Mission and vision

Our mission

To advance, promote and stimulate the development of research and the practical application of findings on resilience to benefit the world’s population.

Our vision

Resilience is recognized for its essential contribution to improving people’s daily lives and preserving our planet.

Résilio est ouvert à tous et se compose de personnes de tous les horizons. Notre association s'engage à faire progresser, à favoriser et à promouvoir le développement de nos ambitions au profit de la société.

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    Together, let's implement effective strategies to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the development of practices in the field in order to strengthen the ability to overcome situations of adversity for the benefit of populations.

    Rejoindre notre association

    Become a Resilio member

    We invite you to join our association and support its activities, by actively participating in the scientific events we organize, by initiating international research projects involving Resilio members, and by disseminating the information resulting from this research.

      Personal information

      Please provide the name of a RESILIO member who recommends your registration or of another professional in the RESILIO network field.
      If applicable, please e-mail us a cover letter and curriculum vitae (resilio-association@gmail.com).

      Membership fees

      ** Low-income countries - For those interested, please consult the World Bank's country classification.

      After approval by the Association's Board of Directors, you will receive an email proposing different ways of paying your membership fee.
