We partner with companies to
bring clarity to their brand
Meet our awesome people
If you want the best care possible for your four-legged friend,
our certified professionals are here to help
Sara Grant
Chief Executive
Luke Jacobs
Marketing Manager
Claire Olson
Financial Manager
Amber Page
Software Engineer
Sara Grant
Chief Executive
Luke Jacobs
Marketing Manager
We help startups launch,
grow and succeed fast
We’re obsessive about knowledge transfer, so whenever we’ve developed a unique solution for your business, we’ll bring everything in-house for you to control.
Nous vous invitons à rejoindre notre association et à soutenir ses activités, par la participation active aux manifestations scientifiques que nous organisons, par l’initiation de projets internationaux de recherche impliquant des membres de Resilio, par la diffusion des informations issues de ces recherches.